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Deluged with Books

Book addict

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Stir Me Up
Sabrina Elkins
Sexy Beast
Kate Douglas, Vivi Anna, Noelle Mack
Jacquelyn Frank
The Darker Side of Pleasure
Eden Bradley
Long Hard Ride
Lorelei James
The Sweet Gum Tree
Katherine Allred
Mortal Temptations
Allyson James
The Witch's Daughter
Paula Brackston
Prophecy of the Sisters
Michelle Zink
Bound to Please
Lilli Feisty
Granny Is My Wingman - Kayli Stollak This was a fun and entertaining read about the author's year of online dating. Kayli with her Granny as sidekick decided to tackle online dating after a finding out her ex-boyfriend has moved on and started a relationship. From building up a profile to going on dates both Kayli and Granny found out so much more about themselves than expected. The tone was lighthearted but still carried an element of truth regarding how people connect and how dating is more fun than you might think.