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Deluged with Books

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Stir Me Up
Sabrina Elkins
Sexy Beast
Kate Douglas, Vivi Anna, Noelle Mack
Jacquelyn Frank
The Darker Side of Pleasure
Eden Bradley
Long Hard Ride
Lorelei James
The Sweet Gum Tree
Katherine Allred
Mortal Temptations
Allyson James
The Witch's Daughter
Paula Brackston
Prophecy of the Sisters
Michelle Zink
Bound to Please
Lilli Feisty
True Vines - Diana Strinati Baur True Vines, is a story about Merly's journey of finding her place in life. Betrayed early on, she finds happiness in the arms of Francesco and the life they have built in Italy. After 13 years, she loses the most important thing in her world and so hurries back to her hometown in Pennsylvania trying to heal. She ends up blocking everything out, just going thru the motions of living. She slowly, successfully has a break down, destroying the barrier she has put up since she lost Francesco. The barrier that has always been with her, preventing her from making bonds with other people. This was a very engaging read although slow paced it worked in keeping with the way the tale was unfolding. The story was more than dealing with loss and grief nor of a strong abiding love. This was about a woman's journey into finding herself, how much she has and how much she tries to blindly block out. The characters were all flawed, even the love of Merly and Francesco was not perfect. They all made mistakes they've regretted but in the end, especially in Merly's case, you pick up the pieces and build something better, stronger and lasting. It wasn't just her life but in essence its her whole being that was given a chance at a happy ever after over and over again. That making mistakes was not the end but a catalyst to start anew. Its a story about grabbing happiness and making it work and having your happy ever after step by step.